Saturday, December 6, 2008

Jewels of Buddha

Everyone likes to talk about the diversity of New York City. My bet is, though, that most native New Yorkers don't usually ponder it much. It's just the way things are. But although the diversity theme sounds kind of cliche after a while, I always enjoy finding new examples of it. On a recent trip to the nondescript Dee & Dee Discount on Broadway in Astoria, I happened upon a new store called Jewels of Buddha, 31-90 37th Street, that has been around for a little over a month. It's usually a bit awkward browsing in small stores like this with the owners watching your every move, but Mr. Dawa and Mr. Jampa were very friendly. Their merchandise, most of it handmade in Tibet and Nepal, is pretty awesome. I am coveting one of their over-the-shoulder bags made from hand-woven cotton for $18. They don't look particularly sturdy, but they're a fashion statement if I ever saw one.

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